It has become obvious to those awakened to sovereignty certification that the application, registration and submission of a birth certification form is the creation of a legal entity (i.e., the ALL CAPS NAME) and a subsequent legal-title claim, albeit a fictional title. It is fictional because a bankrupt entity such as a state government cannot lawfully create and issue titles of nobility nor Allodial titles. No corporate entities or agents thereof are authorised to issue Certificates of Sovereignty or Certificates of Allodial Titles. However, Allodial title to our physical flesh and blood body a.k.a., the Sovereignty Certificate is applicable, lawfully supersedes and is paramount to the birth certificate.
Public | Private |
National | International |
Admiralty Law | Common Law |
Law of the Sea | Law of the Land |
Statutes & Legislations | Uniform Commercial code |
Legal Titles/ Legal Entities | Allodial Titles/ Real Properties |
Birth Certification | Sovereignty Certification |
A certified sovereign human being, therefore, is acting within his/her own ordained sovereignty and birthright jurisdiction of laws and principles; as if acting within their own authority and nationality, so to speak.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Based on Universal Cycles, Seasons, Principles and Tendencies of Absolute-Nature – governing the interactions and sovereignty of living men and woman and all elements of natural life in existence.
Presently the Uniform Commercial code – aka Private International Common law – governing the interactions of international trade, business and commerce across multiple jurisdictions.
Localised Statutes, Legislations, Acts of Parliament and Corporate Policies – governing the interactions of documentary legal entities, legal persons and corporations within specific jurisdictions.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et vehicula tortor. Maecenas et elit tempor mi bibendum volutpat. Integer id nunc in libero aliquet luctus. Proin at nisl eros. Nullam vulputate urna tellus. Vivamus massa ligula, cursus non nunc sit amet, sollicitudin elementum mi. Vestibulum convallis, nisi blandit euismod vehicula, magna dui viverra tellus, porttitor condimentum nulla tortor et sapien.
Nullam egestas venenatis turpis, non pellentesque dui hendrerit et. Mauris sodales lacus a enim maximus dapibus vel at erat. Vivamus vulputate sit amet tortor vel commodo. Aenean maximus malesuada magna sit amet facilisis. Vivamus in dapibus nibh, ac mollis arcu. Vivamus porttitor porta mauris, sit amet tristique sapien euismod eget. Quisque elit erat, varius vel leo et, lacinia congue orci. Sed nec tortor magna. Phasellus condimentum tellus leo, a pretium risus euismod vel.