Bulletin – First Republic News, Announcements and Features

Client Responsibility
Clients who take advantage of our products and services, are solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information they provide to us. We verify the accuracy or authenticity of the information provided by clients through Affidavit/Oath under penalty of perjury, as outlined in our First Republic Sovereign Treaty (FRST). Therefore, we expect that all information provided by our client, is reliable.
The Affidavit/Oath signed under penalty of perjury through our First Republic Sovereign Treaty, is evidence for us, that the information clients share with us is true. This then enables us to certify and authenticate documents with the information provided.
By using our products and services, clients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of https://firstrepublicregistrar.org, their affiliates, employees, and agents from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, or expenses arising from false or misleading information provided by clients. Our evidence of proof of any bad faith and/or dishonor is the FRST Affidavit/Oath, signed under penalty of perjury.
FRRf gives copyright documents to our clients that are issued by our Antrustiones. Therefore, when clients sign their Affidavit/Oath through FRST, such documents must be held with their deserved regard and respect.
If a client gives information to FRRf dishonorably or in bad faith, and evidence of this is subsequently discovered, then FRRf will open an investigation into the case. If such evidence is proven, FRRf also reserves the right, to start an Admiralty International Administrative Process against the client, using the Fee Schedule of Negligence, Injury, Harm and Tort Claims©, accepted when the client signed our FRST Affidavit/Oath.
Please note, we will also publish a notice warning regarding the client on our website, with full disclosure of the investigation.
FRRf’s Antrustiones will always act honorably and in good faith, as we also sign an OATH regarding our conduct as Officers of FRRf. With any given situation or case, we will always act under presumption of innocence of any living man, woman or ordained sovereign. We will never accept any case that does not have real evidence/facts, against another living man, woman or ordained sovereign, simply because without evidence/facts, there is no case.
If a client presents non-verifiable (or fake) evidence/facts, this living man, woman, ordained sovereign will be warned that he/she is acting dishonorably and in bad faith.
FRRf also reserves the right to Suspend or Disqualify sovereignty certification of any individual found to be in violation, or misuses documents officiated by our Antrustiones. Being sovereign certified is not just about paperwork, it is primarily about an individuals conduct, which must be honorable, decent and respectful toward other sovereigns and non-sovereigns.