First Republic Registrar foundation

Bulletin – First Republic News, Announcements and Features

Sovereign Treaties

First Republic Treaties

12th March 2024

First Republic Institution International Treaty

A universal treaty for Sovereign Kingdoms, Nations and States (coming soon)

12th March 2024

First Republic Sovereign Treaty

A universal treaty for Certified Sovereign Individuals (coming soon)

UN International Treaties

15th March 2024

Affidavit to Acknowledge UN Treaties

FRRf Acknowledge by Affidavit the following United Nations (UN) treaties in order to strengthen its position on the world stage of Sovereign Solidarities.

  • Universal Postal Union, 9th October 1874; 
  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 9th September 1886;
  • Commercial Convention, Geneva, 24th March 1930;
  • Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 18th April 1961;
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10th December 1948.
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