Frequently Asked Questions
Governed by UCc not common law coded – TBf© and FRRf©
Q1. What is Sovereignty?
First and foremost, is that SOVEREIGNITY, is RECOGNITION of our BIRTHRIGHT.
Sovereignty means “Soul Reign” of the physical body, and of great importance, with spiritual connotations, but with disestablishmentarianism, meaning the separation of politics and spirituality.
Sovereignty is also described as the inner quality of being an independent individual, with absolute supreme authority over ones’ mind, body, land and assets.
Q2. What is Ordained Sovereignty?
This is what we each naturally possess when born. Post this time, birthright immediately begins with our innate desire to satisfy our three basic needs for food, shelter and clothing. “This birthright“, begins from our own birth labor, being naturally repaid for with food, shelter and clothing. Today, with reference to birth, “labor”, it is widely misunderstood in the vernacular, to mean when a woman gives birth.
Irrespective, it is important to remember that before any of us can come into existence, we each rely on a power/force, “higher” than those from whom we were conceived. Therefore, we are naturally and spiritually ordained sovereignty, and as such, birth is the ONLY pre-requisite to freely secure our three basic needs. To reiterate, our birth is the labor necessary to freely secure our food, shelter and clothing.
It is the birthright of each of us as ordained sovereigns for “life, liberty and happiness”.
Q3. What is Enacted Sovereignty?
Similar to a contracts law society, after the pure trust fidelity ceremony, the birthright of men and women is enacted with a Sovereignty Certificate (not a birth certificate; the latter is a license only). This is called documented certified sovereignty, which is important in contracts law. This practice is enacted sovereignty, which enacts into contract law, birth or ordained sovereignty.
(As a side note, ordained sovereignty would work in a non-contractual law society, but presently, this does not exist).
However, reverting back to enacted Sovereignty, a man or woman becomes lawful under common law, and legal, by representing oneself in the UPPER CASE, being an entity of bankruptcy and guided by the statutes of the Uniform Commercial code [UCc] § 1. This affords the practitioner the benefits and privileges provided by the STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in which they are domiciled. These privileges require the use of licences issued by the government, which are necessary for revenue.
Q4. How do sovereigns participate in society?
A sovereign is a participant in a common law society, but can also function in a bankrupted or statutory one, as we currently have on earth. A sovereign becomes the agent of the bankrupted entity known as the “strawman.” In contract one would write, “I, Joseph James: Blogs, agent for JOSEPH BLOGS, do hereby…etc.”
Q5. What is Sovereignty Certification?
Sovereignty certification is a documented paper contract, that serves as a sight- recognition of an individuals’ humanity, by another. By the practice of the common Law Principia (cLP), only an Exchangor/Grantor of a common Law Pure Trust (cLPT), can issue sovereignty certificates unto men and women, initiated by their desire to be sovereign certified in recognition of their humanity. A man or a woman can be an Exchangor/Grantor.
Q6. What is the Law as a Certified Sovereign?
A certified sovereign is not subject to man-made law, namely statutory or legislative law. Instead, as a certified and ordained sovereign, one has the benefit of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCc) § 1-308, because in principle, a certified sovereign is the author and source of all law.
In a contracts law society, the Exchangor/Grantor is the wielder of provisional law, but a sovereign is the source of power, from which all societies, civilizations and governments are created and gives this ordinate power to the Exchangor/Grantor for granting or issuing. However, as is currently apparent, to sustain our society status quo, a sovereign must often compromise.
A Certified Sovereign (sovereign), can act as an agent for a non-certified entity, which is our legal, but not lawful, practice in the world today. From as long ago as the iron ages, the majority of us have lost the thread of sovereignty in a contracts law society, and instead the focus is now on money, and obtaining lots of it!
Irrespective of all the above, a sovereign must learn how to wield the law without confrontation unless the intention is war and to make a timarchian challenge. Albeit, we do not recommend such a practice, historically, many have often gained their position by such practice.
Here at First Republic Registrar foundation (FRRf), we know that historically peaceful resolutions have also existed to reclaim a common law society, and as such, this is the path we recommend.
Q7. How Does One obtain a Sovereignty Certificate?
One simply has to put in a request through FRRf, and if accepted, Sovereignty Certificates are issued by the pure trust Exchangor/Grantor (antrustione or trust officer).
Q8. What are Titles of Nobility?
a. Titles of Nobility must be qualified with titles such as Lord/Lady, H.E, HRH, Emperor/Empress etc. The initial Sovereignty Certificate is an enactment of an individuals’ ordained sovereignty. The Title of Nobility is issued by FRRf via one of the categories of Certificate of Nobility.
b. An ordained sovereign has no title of nobility, because ordinance of itself, is an inherent right granted at birth, allowing each of us to secure our basic natural needs.
Therefore, nobility titles are only necessary in our current contracts law society, as a claim to our birthright recognition. That said, a non-enacted sovereign will not be recognized in our current society, so as previously stated, Titles of Nobility must be qualified.
common Law Pure Trusts (cLPT)
Q1. What is a common Law Pure Trust (cLPT)?
In principle, a cLPT is the purest vehicle for land and asset protection. The jurisdiction of a cLPT is universally domiciled, and exists as an international and universal entity not subject to any particular SFG, jurisdiction or legislative legal boundaries.
FRRf is also a common Law Pure Trust, and is authorized and sanctioned, by contract, by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), at icj-icc.org.
Please note that this ICC is not the International Chamber of Commerce
Q2. Why have a common Law Pure Trust (cLPT)?
In principle, a cLPT protects one’s land and assets from SFG intervention. Ownership means “to owe.” By positioning one’s land and assets properly, the certified sovereign individual manages and controls, but never personally owns the land and assets. If one owns them, they owe taxes, duties and allegiance to other managers and controllers.
Q3. Who are the Trust Officers (Antrustiones) of the cLPT?
The Trust officers comprise of a Creator – This officer creates the Pure Trust certificate (PTc) and is subsequently one of the two participants in the Pure Trust Fidelity ceremony (PTFc). The Creators’ duties are to create the trust document and appoint the First Trustee giving him the consideration from the trust fidelity ceremony. The trustee now holds the first asset of the trust, and acts as the fiduciary.
The other contracting participant is the Exchangor/Grantor: As one of the two participants and and subsequent recipient of the consideration for the trust certificate in the fidelity ceremony. The Exchangor/Grantor holds contracts and certificates (sovereignty included), as the provisional universal source of all law. The duties of the Exchangor/Grantor are to create the Pure Trust provisions (PTp), and the Declaration of a common Law Pure Trust Contract (DcLPTC), which includes six parts. To reiterate, the Exchangor/Grantor is the holder of the PTc (Pure Trust certificate) and therefore, the wielder of all the law.
First Trustee (and subsequent trustees) are appointed by the Creator, and receives the first asset from the former, which is then conveyed to the trust in which he becomes fiduciary, meaning the trust officer who conveys land and assets to the pure trust.
managing Director: (mD) Also called a contractually (written) Agent. Agent(s) may be elected by the Board of Trustees (BoT) under the DcLPTC provisions. Only trustees are appointed by the BoT. The Agent(s) privately, not written contractually in the provisions, make up the Board of Directors, (BoD) and are the true controllers of the trust and are the real land and asset holders. Once elected, as provided by the trust provisions, they have all the powers of the BoT. The BoT is thus a prestigious position in the trust, without any power.
It must also be understood that elections, appointments, ceremonies, etc, do not need to be repeated, as this has been performed at the outset, by the Plantagenet and Bauer families of the 12th century. Therefore, all the power is with the mD privately and contractually written Agent.
Q4. How does the Trust get its’ Power to wield the Law?
The power or energy and then the ability to wield law comes, from the trust certificate holder. The certificate holder in the Pure Trust is the Exchangor/Grantor who has participated in the PTFc. The Power is created by transforming it into manifestation, through the eyes of the two fidelity ceremony participants “in sight” recognition of each other. According to eastern philosophy, this inner power is considerable!
This sight recognition is of ones’ existence as another human being, which put quite simply, means the participants see and recognize each other as human beings. This acknowledgement confirms their innate knowledge to convert their power into existence, and manifest it onto the physical world. The two fidelity ceremony participants recognize each other, and the Exchangor/Grantor now has certified proof of the recognition, which emphasizes the power of recognition.
A simple analogy in our world as we know it, would be like documenting the minutes at a meeting or a phone conversation. The minutes serve as a paper certification, and hold extreme importance in our contract law world.
Q5. What are the benefits and provisions of the cLPT?
In principle, some of the benefits and provisions of the cLPT include:
– Privacy; One only needs to record the existence of your cLPT with FRRf, as an international and global registrar.
– Land and Asset Protection.
– The ability to engage in lawful business anywhere in the world.
– Diversification of assets and activities into separate ‘watertight compartments’.
– Renders oneself virtually judgement free (provided he or she does not violate the birthright of others).
– Elimination of probate and estate taxes.
– The cLPT can be used as a buffer for personal and business banking transactions.
– The cLPT as an entity that holds Allodial Titles to assets outright, and via the managing Directors (mD’s) control. The mD will direct and manage the benefits of the assets of the Trust organization.
– When appointed mD’s pass on, no death or probate taxes are incurred on the Trust’s assets. The Trust does not end when you pass away. It ceases only when successor mD’s decide it should. However, the provisional lifespan of a cLPT is also typically determined by the BoD to be fifty (50) years, and written in the cLPT provisions.
– The ability to exercise Pleas in Bar, a common law tool used to nullify and defeat any non-common law ruling, using the Uniform Commercial code (UCc), notice of dishonor without prejudice (UCc- 3-503, 504, 505).
Q5. What are other special characteristics of a cLPT?
– The cLPT is executed in a fidelity ceremony, similar to a contract marriage agreement, but for a cPLT, it is the signing of the Pure Trust certificate (PTc). The signing of the PTc by the Creator and Exchangor/Grantor demonstrates the required offer and an acceptance, leading to a proof of contract. To remind one again, it creates the source of the power of the trust, through human sight recognition, and so gives the power of the contract to the Exchangor/Grantor.
– The cLPT has a private lawful objective or purpose.
– The cLPT has a suggested initial lifespan of fifty (50) years, but this can be renewed.
– It is a Trust foundation framed by common Law Principia (cLP).
– It is a progenitor of all law and contracts, both public and private.
– All law is derived from the cLPT foundation, hence common Law Pure Trust foundations are the creators and source of government and commercial societies.
– Every aspect of Pure Trust foundation is lawful, governed by UCc, upheld and globally recognized by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC).
– A cPLT has no reporting requirements, so it reduces or eliminates accounting fees, taxes and probate.
– The cLPT can hold and operate lawful businesses anywhere in the world.
– It provides limited liability protection, with most of the advantages of a corporation, without their disadvantages.
– In the eyes of the law, it is a private lawful ‘entity’, with the power to buy, own, hold and sell property.
– It can hold the titles of your landed property, granting you the benefit of the use and enjoyment of your land and assets during your lifetime.
– It is made irrevocable to avoid any questions, as to ownership of the assets.
– It renders assets virtually judgement proof.
– It continues unaffected upon your death.
Q6. What types of property and assets can be transferred to the corpus of the cLPT?
These include any that are considered valuable, such as:
– Real estate/ landed property
– Fine Art
– Jewelry
– Corporate charters with Investment Securities
– Business Stock holdings
– Monetary Credit Bonds and certificates
– Transportation and pleasure vehicles
– Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks
– Multimedia royalties
– Wills
– Letters of Credit.
To create your cLPT, or get more information, please contact us via email at info@firstrepublicregistrar.org.
FRRf’s Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Certificate Number is: 9845009D45965F0AE850.
copyright ©The Bauer foundation (TBf) and First Republic Registrar foundation (FRRf)