First Republic Registrar foundation


FRRf’s Antrustiones

Primary Active Officers

Exchangor/Grantor/ Sovereign Underwriter/ Proto-Notary: 
H.E. HRH Lord Sir Paul-Anthony: Simons

Notarial Assistant:
H.E. Lord Christopher-George: Buckley 

Trustee/ International Liaison:
H.E. Lady De-Ann: Sarah Hajar De Chausay

managing Director/ Spain/Spanish Liaison:
H.E. Lord Rafael: Segador-Castaños

See their profiles here.


H.E. Lord Belton-Tyron: Bass

H.E. HRH Lord Sir Gahn-Easton: Miller

managing Director
H.E. Lord Kwadjo: Amponsem

managing Director
H.E. Lord Malcolm: Bailey

managing Director
H.E. HRH Lord Sir Robert-Orville: Thomas

managing Director
H.E. Lady Sharron: Leon

Honorary Members

managing Director/ Canadian Liaison: 
Lord Sir Shawn-David-Christian: Small 

First Republic Registrar foundation

FRRf was originally established on the 12th December 2013 as an International common Law Registry and Private Records Archive.

The Registrar was first recognized by the Sovereign International Court of Justice (SICJ) and the Sovereign International Criminal Court (SICC) on 27th July 2017. The main objective of FRRf is to provide an international platform for all good governments, organizations and peoples to file and record good title to their corpus (natural body), landed property, and to private conveyances. This is known as Allodial Title. Our allodial titles are governed by, as all contracts are, the Uniform Commercial code (UCc).

In 2017 when FRRf was first appointed by the Sovereign ICJ-ICC, as their official registrar, the following seals were assigned to FRRf.

For a timeline of our progress, click our bulletin page here.

FRRf acknowledges the Uniform Commercial code (UCc) as Private International Common Law. Consequently, and of great importance is that the articles of FRRf, a common Law Pure Trust (cLPT) via its common Law Principia (cLP), are recognized and upheld by the Sovereign ICJ-ICC.

Under UCc 1 bankruptcy Articles, bankrupted entities (entire et al international community and its chattels, i.e., governments, banks, businesses, non-sovereigns, etc.) have no authority to operate and/or act against an ordained and/or certified sovereign. Hence, individuals who are certified sovereigns and also in possession of allodial titles to landed property, have UCc wielding power under the FRRf cLPT provisions.

Sovereign IGO Status

As of 20th February 2024 FRRf is now officially seated within the House of Atmaurium, of the Talismanic Kingdom of Atmaurium. This is monumental for FRRf as it grants us the International Status of now being a Sovereign Inter-Governmental Organization. Click here for more information.

In this capacity the Registrar also acts as a foreign office to Atmaurium and offers support to the International Community of Sovereign Kingdoms, Nations and States, via its’ First Republic Institutional International Treaty (FRIIT).

Eagle-Eye Ministries

Safeguarding the integrity of FRRf, its’ intellectual property, partner nations, organizations and related operations is our top priority. To support this endeavor, it has been agreed by the Board of Trustees to form and develop a number of active departments with discrete responsibilities relating to social justice, security, and upholding ethical practice in all dealings. Click here for more information.

Institutional Officials

The Institutional Officials of FRRf’s departments starts with the common Law Pure Trust Antrustiones, as listed on this page. The Oath of all officers is as follows:

“I swear under penalty of perjury and with full commercial responsibility, that I will always choose to conduct myself and act in honour and good faith, in the performance of my rights, duties, responsibilities and liberties both in my private life and in the performance of my duties within FRRf©

See profiles of Primary Officers here.

Sovereign Underwriters

Under natural law, all human individuals are ordained sovereigns by virtue of their birthright to life, liberty and happiness. The concept of sovereignty is very ancient, although in the beginning of its’ conceptualization, the word sovereign was not necessarily employed. Rather, the phrase ‘soul reigning in the body’ was used by those sentient beings who understood who they were spiritually. Such beings are usually referred to as the elite, although the term ‘elite’ has been tainted with very negative connotations in the past hundred years or so.

Thus, the elite, i.e., the top 12 richest families in banking, in government and in all social and non-social circles, know exactly what is going on in the world and about the truth of the natural birthright of every man and woman. They understand that each man and woman is ordained as a sovereign at birth, and that sovereignty must be contractually-enacted by way of a Sovereignty Certificate. In other words, sovereignty certification is necessary since men and women of today, are interacting with contract-law societies. In this very basic context of nobility, sovereignty is the quality of having an independent authority over land (property), such as one’s own body (corpus).

A Sovereign Underwriter in general, and under the common Law Principia, is any Exchangor/Grantor of an enacted Pure Trust foundation (PTf) such as FRRf and is also holder of the annexed Pure Trust certificate (PTc), along with the Pure Trust provisions (PTp).

The Certified Sovereign Underwriter of FRRf is one who has been contractually-authorized as being qualified by natural process to issue Sovereignty Certificates. Therefore, the first Official Certified Sovereign Underwriter of the Sovereign International Court of Justice ( is the Exchangor/Grantor and PTc holder of First Republic Registrar foundation (FRRf).


As an Official of the Sovereign ICJ-ICC our Certified Sovereign Underwriter(s) may also serve the capacity of Proto-Notary and Notaries Public (see Proto-Notary blog). All documentation that bears any of the official stamps and seals issued by the Notary, is accepted as authenticated by all jurisdictions around the world. The Notary’s main function is to bear witness to the signatories of contracts, trusts, treaties, agreements and other documents. Once such documents are witnessed by the Notary’s signature and the official Sovereign ICJ-ICC stamp and seal, they are deemed as authenticated by the highest authority in the world today and for centuries to come.

After consensus voting, a Notary of the Sovereign ICJ-ICC can be appointed by contract, evidenced by a Memorandum of Agreement with two Senior Judges of the Sovereign ICJ-ICC, plus two prominent individuals witnesses. Therefore, there will be five signatures on the Memorandum of Agreement, (MoA).

Notaries of FRRf and Sovereign ICJ-ICC include:

Proto-Notary: H.E. HRH Lord Sir Paul-Anthony: Simons

Notary Public: H.E. Lord Kwadjo: Amponsem

Notarial Assistant: H.E. Lord Christopher-George: Buckley

A Sovereign ICJ-ICC Notary may also serve in the capacity as Assistant Judge, if his/her services are required consistently over long periods of time, particularly when dealing with specific matters of banking and redemption.

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