The Necessity for Allodium
What is Allodium? Allodium is a natural and Common Law principle that pertains to the position of Full-Title to some identifiable real property. Full-Title means that the interest in the item/property belongs to one or more specific and identifiable real living man or woman.
However, in the world of legalese as it pertains to contract law, titles to property are usually divided into at least two main parts, namely legal-title and equitable-title. The separation of these two titles is sometimes addressed as a bifurcation of title, (the division of something into two branches or parts), especially in a mortgaged situation where the registered charge has also been separated from the two titles. This poses what is deemed as an unlawful situation, simply because the charge (i.e. mortgage) on a property, must always accompany the legal-title to that property. In a mortgaged situation, bifurcation occurs, for instance, where the local Land Registry has recorded the charge on the property, but fails to record and keep a paper trail of the interest, that is details of the holding party(s), on the actual title.
A mortgage securitization audit will show that the interest to the title on the respective property has shifted from one individual, or special purpose vehicle (SPV)/entity to another, so it can become a mind-boggling exercise to follow up and chase the movement of paper-work, with the inherent paper-trail. However, this is no acceptable excuse for any localized land registry, because it is of paramount importance under Natural and International Common Law, that true ownership (and/or interests) in property, must be expressed and publicly noted at all times.
Another, albeit unfamiliar name for Full-Title is Allodial Title. When a property (whether landed or a conveyance) has an Allodial Title certificate associated with it, it is said to be in Allodium. This means that the property is freely held without obligation of service to any overlord.
Allodial Titles to Landed Property and to Private Conveyances
In the world of legalese, with reference to landed property, for instance a home, the title deed is evidence of a legal-title claim of a fictional legal entity, written as the ALL CAPS PROPERTY ADDRESS, and as such is a mis-representation of a brick and mortar property that exists in reality. To resolve this mis-representation, here at FRRf, we issue a Certificate of Allodial title to the natural brick and mortar property. This is also known as ‘fee simple’, which refers to an individual’s absolute ownership of land and/or landed property. It is the most complete ownership interest an individual can have in real property, and with a fee simple title, the owner has the right to possess, use or dispose of the land as they choose. The interface between the two titles (i.e., title deed and allodial title) is the UCc.
Apply For Allodial Titles NOW
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