Registrar Listings – Sovereignty, Trusts and Allodial Titles
All recordings are under land and soil jurisdiction, in accordance with Natural and International Customary Law
common Law Pure Trust (cLPT)
Category AAA: Pro-Active cLPT
Entities that are active in one or more humanitarian projects. These cLPT have been created by AAA Certified Sovereigns, who have established their own restitutio in integrum and are now working in order to re-establish the Gold Age.
Category A: Active cLPT
Entities that are considered active like subject of international law in order to create their own restitutio in integrum and keep in commerce, honour and good faith with whoever and wherever.
Category B: Inactive cLPT
Entities that are considered inactive in terms of practical purpose.
NOTE: This is not a complete listing. Some Trust officers have either opted out of this record for security, privacy or other reasons or, FRRf have reserved to right to list/unlist certain Trust records.
All cLPT Instruments and Indentures are private and are officiated in accordance with common Law Principia (cLP) provisions. But it is also very important to keep a trail and maintain transparency of their activities. The cLPTs are international vehicles that perform their commercial activities through International Private Law (Lex Mercatoria, Uniform Commercial code, UNIDROIT and TRANS-LEX.ORG) with whoever and wherever.
Category | Trust Name | Exchangor/Grantor | Trust Identification Number |
B | Katherin Helen, Keel Foundation | Katherine-Helen: Keel | 695719602.00 |
B | Christopher George, Buckley Foundation | Christopher-George: Buckley | 993814253.00 |
B | Buckley Foundation | Christopher-George: Buckley | 993814254.00 |
B | The Manna Humanitarian Trust foundation | Inbok Hyun | 4433673-001 |
B | The MRK Shutz Trust foundation | Marcus Shutz | 4433673-007 |
B | The Pinkaew Trust foundation | Rujipath Pinkaew | 4433673-008 |
B | The Global Football Development Trust foundation | Lucas Neill | 4433673-009 |
B | The MASA Trust foundation | Lucas Edward Neill | 4433673-010 |
B | The J4 Trust foundation | Darren David Jackson | 4433673-011 |
B | The MJM Trust foundation | Michael John Mailling | 4433673-012 |
B | The Humanity Connects Trust foundation | Adi Nathan | 4433673-013 |
B | The Reinhard Trust foundation | Reinhard Heyer | 4433673-014 |
AAA | United Humanitarian Foundation of Nations | Peter: Grey | 4433673-020 |
AAA | 7 Days foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-021 |
A | Digital Reserve Foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-022 |
AAA | Universal Digital Currency Reserve foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-023 |
AAA | The Grey Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-024 |
A | United Humanitarian Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-025 |
B | Loong foundation | Poh-Heng: Loong | 56664-001 |
B | The Nathaniel foundation | Ricky: Nathaniel | 628426435-001 |
B | The Qandeel Trust foundation | Yasser: Qandeel | 7263335-001 |
B | Saturn Sovereign Imperial Royal Trust foundation | Ricky: Nathaniel | 728876-001 |
B | The Total Energy Healing Trust foundation | Chang Hoy Bong | 4433673-002 |
B | The Chang Hoy Bong Trust foundation | Mark Anthony Geerlings | 4433673-003 |
B | The Green Energy Trust foundation | Mark Anthony Geerlings | 4433673-004 |
B | The Future Finance Korea Holdings Trust foundation | Mark Anthony Geerlings | 4433673-005 |
B | The New Hope Trust foundation | Mark Anthony Geerlings | 4433673-006 |
AAA | The United Humanitarian Disaster Relief Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-016 |
AAA | Universal Health & Education Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-017 |
B | The Blake-Family Trust foundation | Paulette-Marie: Blake | 25253326459-001 |
B | The L D & R Duncan-Family Trust foundation | Gareth-Jerome: Duncan | 386226326459-001 |
B | The Free-Bird Trust foundation | Nathanael: Grosvenor | 37332473-001 |
B | The Saving-Grace Trust foundation | Marcia: Gordon | 72846447223-001 |
B | The First-Kemet Trust foundation | Garnet-Nathaniel: Jones | 3477853638-001 |
B | The Parkins-Family Trust foundation | Claudette-Elaine: Parkins | 7275467326459-001 |
B | The Henry-Family Trust foundation | George-Theodore: Henry | 43679326459-001 |
B | The IVEWALK Trust foundation | Norman: Trusty | 4839255-001 |
B | Amelia-John foundation | Amelia-Cynthia-Josephine: John | 531668602.00 |
B | The Liberta Ora foundation | Jaslin-Wayne: Swaby | 690064773.00 |
B | The Baker Trust foundation | Brien: Baker | 2253777653287-001 |
B | The Baker-Family Trust foundation | Brien: Baker | 22537326459-001 |
B | The Fisher Trust foundation | Charles-Allensworth: Fisher | 937045192.00 |
B | Davidson-John Family foundation | Davidson: John | 990479942.00 |
B | The Dreams foundation | De-Ann-Sarah-Hajar: Dechausay | 641585272.00 |
B | DG-Brooks foundation | Daron-Gilbert: Brooks | 972684262.00 |
B | The Dustin-Rosondich Trust foundation | Dustin: Rosondich | 7676663424-001 |
B | The Xylie-Eshleman Trust foundation | Xylie: Eshleman | 37453626-001 |
B | The FFC foundation | Gustavo: Benedito | 326267644.00 |
B | The G2 Sports Management foundation | Gustavo: Benedito | 42776787.00 |
B | The TANK-720 foundation | Haydn: Adolphe | 696611772.00 |
B | The Scott Family Trust foundation | Howard: Scott | 82688-001 |
B | The Hugh-Corrigan foundation | Hugh: Corrigan | 26774426.00 |
B | The John-Hughes foundation | John-Thomas: Hughes | 29180713.00 |
B | The Michael-McKenna foundation | Michael-Patrick: McKenna | 18658144.00 |
B | The OBMax foundation | Owen-Charles: Warren | 523006462.00 |
B | The Patrick-Gleeson foundation | Patrick: Gleeson | 23991787.00 |
B | The Paul-Howard foundation | Paul: Howard | 57138157.00 |
B | The Paul-Warren foundation | Paul-David: Warren | 53639047.00 |
B | The James Family foundation | Joan-Colleen: James | 641412022.00 |
B | The JC-Davis Family foundation | Joanne Carmelita: Davis | 690125902.00 |
B | The Osbourne foundation | Lloyd-Michael: Osbourne | TOf10001 |
B | The Marcia Vivuenne Trust foundation | Naomi: Blake | 62724284883663-001 |
B | The Marcia-Patricia-Ramlal foundation | Marcia-Patricia: Ramlal | 631123322.00 |
B | The MB-Bailey foundation | Malcolm-Byron: Bailey | 675220962.00 |
B | The Mulgrave Trust foundation | Ricky Lee Aldridge | 68547283-001 |
B | The Aequus Transition Trust foundation | Mike-Stanley: Harrison | 237887-001 |
A | The Pitchnova group | Susanne: Bailey | 748246682.00 |
B | The Rakeshkumar foundation | Rakeshkumar: Joshi | 672427432.00 |
B | The RA-Hunte foundation | Rachel: Hunte | 593801222.00 |
B | The Falcon Trust foundation | Randolph: Charles | 325266-001 |
B | The RJ-Quinlan foundation | Raymond-Joseph: Quinlan | 53367960.00 |
B | The Sandra-James foundation | Sandra-Marie: McLeod | 624904542.00 |
B | The SNPB-Trust foundation | Shane-Nicholas-Philips: Boothe | 541225282.00 |
B | The Raoul St. Pierre foundation | Raoul St. Pierre, Howe-Forbes | RSPHF10000003 |
B | The Alvin Just foundation | Johnathan-Alvyn, James-Just | JAJJ10001 |
B | The Nubian Women's Relief foundation | Victoria: Walker | 68242n96636-001 |
B | The Mark-Graham foundation | Mark: Graham | 693542632-001 |
B | DB Trust foundation | Desmond: Bahr | 3287878-001 |
B | NSA International Trust foundation | Desmond: Bahr | 672468376284625-001 |
B | The Sun-Moon-Star Trust foundation | Tan-Teck: Lim | 78666667827-001 |
B | TYY Trust foundation | Tan-Yee: Yen | 89987878-001 |
B | NKH Trust foundation | Ng-Kah: Huat | 65487878-001 |
B | TYC Trust foundation | Teh-Yoke: Choo | 89287878-001 |
B | NWS Trust foundation | Ng-Wei: Shin | 69787878-001 |
B | NTHD Trust foundation | Nguyen-Trieu-Hai: Dang | 684387878-001 |
B | LWP Trust foundation | Loo-Wai: Pun | 597387878-001 |
B | NCN Trust foundation | Ng-Chee: Nyan | 626387878-001 |
B | Erwan Trust foundation | Erwan-Bin-Mohd: Tahir | 37926387878-001 |
AAA | The People of the Tsalagiyi-Cherokee Nation, Pure Trust foundation | Chakra Rare Bird Ningrat | 24376533-001 |
AAA | The People of the State of Nuwaupia, Pure Trust foundation (PSNPTf)© | Doosua B.A. York | 68928742-001 |
B | The Whyte, Labriska Donna - Jean Verneli, Trust foundation | Labriska-Donna-Jean-Verneli: Whyte | 9498352274752-001 |
B | The Heather Casandra Scantlebury, Trust foundation | Niketa-Rene: Williams | 4328437-001 |
B | The Prophetess Elijah-Marie Aviah Justice Chai Reid Trust foundation | Prophetess Elijah-Marie Aviah Justice Chai Reid | 7767438377-001 |
A | The Small, Shawn David Christian Trust foundation | Shawn-David-Christian: Small | 742632843-001 |
B | The Ajogunba Trust, foundation | Veronica-Lola-Abiola: Onigbinde | 664424633-001 |
B | The Ambassador Ali Zorah Dey Trust foundation | Crystal-Amethyst: Langdon | 96724339-001 |
A | The Edelma Cristina Romero Aguirre Trust foundation | Edelma Cristina: Romero-Aguirre | 333562274782-001 |
A | The Genis Borras Flo Trust foundation | Genis: Borras-Flo | 267235687878-001 |
A | The Rafael Segador Castaños Trust foundation | Rafael: Segador-Castaños | 2724235-001 |
B | The House of Flowers Bey, Trust foundation | Freshun-Flowers: Bey | 3737486-001 |
A | The House of Solomon El, Trust foundation | Solomon-Maurice-Simon: El | 765666635-001 |
B | The Ogunleye Trust foundation | Hannayah Agnes Ysrayah | 64865393-001 |
B | The Day-Thomas Trust foundation | Ceon-Jermain: Thomas | 329846627-001 |
A | William McFarlane Penn: Heirs and Assigns, Trust foundation | Dawn: Penn | 94554267366-001 |
A | Lawrence-Jacqueline-Campbell-Estate, Trust foundation | Lawrence-Olivier: Campbell | 22672366378282-001 |
A | The Kenneth Ralston Edwards, Trust foundation | Lawrence-Olivier: Campbell | 5366384-001 |
B | Global Arteries Trust foundation | Floyd-George: Foster | 45622527837437-001 |
B | The Nature in Progress Trust foundation | Mar: Marrero-Aguiar | 62887377647377-001 |
B | The Juan Freedom foundation | Juan: Guerra-Sosa | 58263733366-001 |
AAA | The Sovereign ICJ-ICC foundation | Peter: Grey | 768373446425422-001 |
AAA | The Sovereign International Court of Justice foundation | Peter: Grey | 768373446425422-002 |
A | The Sovereign International Criminal Court foundation | Peter: Grey | 768373446425422-003 |
AAA | First Republic Registrar foundation | Paul-Anthony: Simons | 737782542-87878 |
B | Universal Investment Trust foundation | Hakan Kaplan | 364756625-001 |
B | The Rosina-Philomenia Trust foundation | Jay: Sandy | 767462744566462-001 |
B | The Adbelhak Trust foundation | Ahmed Magdy Abdelhak | 22335425-001 |
B | The Eon-Glenn foundation | Eon-Antony: Glenn | 626840463.00 |
B | KACK Elevates Trust foundation | Angela-Cleopatra: Kelly | 422435382837-001 |
B | Worlds Walker Trust foundation | Christine-Maureen: Laidley | 96753S925537-001 |
A | The Eva Espino Bartoll Trust foundation | Eva: Espino-Bartoll | 382377266-001 |
B | The Diamond Light Trust foundation | Monica: George | 342666354448-001 |
B | Chen Shue, Carla Alesia Trust foundation | Carla-Alesia: Chen-Shue | 24367483-001 |
B | Evans, Donovan Oliver Trust foundation | Donovan-Oliver: Evans | 3666826-001 |
A | Arkan Hermès foundation | Peter: Grey | 27526437637-001 |
B | The Raúl Cercós Cervera Trust foundation | Raúl: Cercós-Cervera | 7285237267-001 |
B | Sue-Ann Trust foundation | Sue: Kemp | 78326687878-001 |
B | Crooks, Ann-Marie Delores Trust foundation | Ann-Marie-Delores: Crooks | 26662743-001 |
A | The Pitkin foundation | Andrew Samuel Pitkin | 10071007-007 |
B | The Free Spirit Trust foundation | Olukemi-Omotayo: Olayinka | 6585364-02 |
B | The Pantaleo De Noronha foundation | Kenneth-Savio: Noronha | 528065442.00 |
B | The Fire United foundation | Gustavo Ferreira Benedito | 4878286-2 |
B | The Mir Pol foundation | Miroslaw Mosiadz | MPF-72-77-2565-2 |
B | The Christie Family foundation | Stephen Anthony: Christie | 6978049082.00 |
B | M Y Woollard Trust foundation | Ian Martyn Yian Yiburg Woollard | 696855273-001 |
B | Sinead Long Trust foundation | Sinead Long | 7463235664-001 |
B | Soledad Castellar Marchal Trust foundation | Sol: Castellar-Marchal | 765533236272425-001 |
A | Universal Digital Trading foundation | Peter: Grey | 24448258723464-001 |
A | Helping Hands foundation | Peter: Grey | 43576442637-001 |
A | H4H foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-028 |
A | 6Degrees | Peter: Grey | 4433673-026 |
A | UEF foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-027 |
A | Foundation of Light Trust | Santa De Son Hot | 3686328466-001 |
A | The Marvic Foundation | Plamen-Dimitrov: Argirov | MFAE041090297GB |
B | African Diaspora Economic Inclusion Trust foundation | Shereen-Divita: Daniels | 23742234277672-002 |
AAA | DOSM corp. Trust foundation | H.R.H. Princess Lutzk | 72468627426-001 |
A | Castle Bridges foundation | Carl-Thomas: Cunniff | 2278532743437-001 |
B | Harrington Family Private Trust foundation | Christopher: Smith | 4277464866-001 |
B | O'Malley foundation | Martin: Rice | 6625539-001 |
A | Eminence Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-029 |
B | The Tabernacle of YHWH foundation | Aaron-Christopher: Raphael | 8894943-001 |
B | Maryhill Armagh Down foundation | Kieran-Gerard: Byrne | 62794455-001 |
B | The Portland James Trust foundation | Grant-Oran-Steven: Hicks | 76785263-001 |
A | The Simons-Sanogo Trust foundation | Paul-Anthony: Simons | 5239766646-001 |
B | Takemoto-Oke Fudoshin Sovereign Trust foundation | Daniel: Warren Oke | 82536686-001 |
B | Moorish Heritage Trust | Kenneth Junior: Cox Bey and Sherekah Waenta: Moor El | 66747443748243-001 |
B | The Temfell Trust foundation | :Henny: Clark | 8363355-001 |
B | The Lanternsea Trust foundation | Ian-John: Gardner | 5268376732-001 |
A | Global Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-030 |
A | Latin American Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-031 |
A | Middle East Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-032 |
A | African Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-033 |
A | Eurasian Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-034 |
A | European Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-035 |
A | Asia Pacific Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-036 |
A | North American Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-037 |
A | Pacific Aliance Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-038 |
A | Atlantic Aliance Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-039 |
A | UK Energy Trust foundation | Peter: Grey | 4433673-040 |
A | Solomon’s Temple United Trust foundation | HI&RM-King Solomon | 76566667-001 |
B | The Juan Antonio Belda Pérez Trust foundation | Juan-Antonio: Belda-Pérez | 58262686646-001 |
B | The Víctor Manuel Orosa Martínez Trust foundation | Víctor-Manuel: Orosa-Martínez. | 842867626835-001 |
B | The David McAlister DaSilva Trust foundation | David-McAlister: DaSilva | 3284362254737-001 |
A | The Tehuti Safun Awes Trust foundation | Tehuti Safun Awes | 8348842937-001 |
B | The Mokksha Trust foundation | Lucie: Patel-Vařeková | 6655742-001 |
B | Kingdom of Conscience Trust foundation | Evan-Grant: Rodenberg | 5464366266-001 |
B | Family Trust fiundation | Truzovka: Henry | 87896582-001 |
B | The George Barfield Trust foundation | :George-Alton: Barfield | TRS3773179-001 |
B | The Stacey Holden Trust foundation | :Stacey-Ellen: Holden | TRS3773180-001 |
B | The Melkez Edek Judah Trust foundation | :Melkez-Edek: Judah | TRS3773181-001 |
AAA | Ministerio de Derecho Natural Emporion foundation | Rafael: Segador-Castaños | TRS3773182-001 |
AAA | International Private Advocate Trust foundation | Paul-Anthony: Simons | TRS3773183-001 |
AAA | International Institutions Observer Trust foundation | Paul-Anthony: Simons | TRS3773184-001 |
AAA | Talismanic Kingdom of Atmaurium Trust foundation | Heru El Bey | 286287486-002 |
AAA | Kingdom of United America Republic Trust foundation | H.E. HRH King Donald John Trump | TRS3773185 |
AAA | Universal Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773186 |
AAA | Pacific Alliance Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773187 |
AAA | Atlantic Alliance Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773188 |
AAA | African Union Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773189 |
AAA | Latin American Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773190 |
AAA | Asia Pacific Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773191 |
AAA | Eurasian Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773192 |
AAA | Middle East Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773193 |
AAA | European Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773194 |
AAA | North American Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773195 |
AAA | UK Development Bank Trust | Peter: Grey | TRS3773196 |
A | The Monica Tudela Mahiques Trust foundation | : Mónica: Tudela-Mahiques. | TRS3773197 |
A | Cercós Cervera Trust foundation | : Maria-Carmen: Cervera-Cru. | TRS3773198 |