First Republic Registrar foundation

Registrar Listings – Sovereignty, Trusts and Allodial Titles

All recordings are under land and soil jurisdiction, in accordance with Natural and International Customary Law

common Law Pure Trust (cLPT)

Category AAA: Pro-Active cLPT
Entities that are active in one or more humanitarian projects. These cLPT have been created by AAA Certified Sovereigns, who have established their own restitutio in integrum and are now working in order to re-establish the Gold Age.

Category A: Active cLPT
Entities that are considered active like subject of international law in order to create their own restitutio in integrum and keep in commerce, honour and good faith with whoever and wherever.

Category B: Inactive cLPT
Entities that are considered inactive in terms of practical purpose.

NOTE: This is not a complete listing. Some Trust officers have either opted out of this record for security, privacy or other reasons or, FRRf have reserved to right to list/unlist certain Trust records.

All cLPT Instruments and Indentures are private and are officiated in accordance with common Law Principia (cLP) provisions. But it is also very important to keep a trail and maintain transparency of their activities. The cLPTs are international vehicles that perform their commercial activities through International Private Law (Lex Mercatoria, Uniform Commercial code, UNIDROIT and TRANS-LEX.ORG) with whoever and wherever.

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