The Oath of FRRf’s Antrustiones
“I swear under penalty of perjury and with full commercial responsibility, that I will always choose to conduct myself and act in honour and good faith, in the performance of my rights, duties, responsibilities and liberties both in my private life and in the performance of my duties within FRRf©.”
Note: The Institutional Certificates and International Diplomatic Accreditations (links on this page) are copyrighted and protected under intellectual property, but NOT limited to this. Please respect this notice by not copying, cutting, pasting nor printing partially or totally these documents or engage in any illegal activities with them. There will be very serious consequences for negligence, injury, harm or tort claims against any of our Institutional Officials.
Primary Active Officers
H.E. HRH Lord Sir Paul-Anthony: Simons
Exchangor/Grantor/ Sovereign Underwriter/ Proto-Notary:
Paul Anthony Simons is a Proto-Notary, an Author, Writer, Scribe, Public Speaker, Philanthropist, Humanitarian Projects Co-ordinator and Certified Sovereign Underwriter. He is a Certified Sovereign of Nobility known as: H.E. HRH Lord Sir Paul-Anthony: Simons, and is spiritually known as Nebu Ka Ma’at: Golden Ray of Justice, Liberation and Balance. His primary role at First Republic Registrar foundation is to officiate sovereign documents for individuals, governments and sovereign nations/states.
See Institutional Certificate here.
See full profile here.
H.E. Lord Christopher-George: Buckley
Notarial Assistant:
Christopher-George Buckley serves as a Notarial Assistant within First Republic Registrar foundation. This organization, established in 2013, operates as an International Common Law Registry and Private Records Archive. Our primary objective is to provide an international platform for governments, organizations, and individuals to file and record good title to their natural bodies and landed property. Christopher-George’s role involves assisting in notarial matters, ensuring the proper documentation of legal transactions, and upholding the principles of sovereignty and allodial titles.
See Institutional Certificate here.
See full profile here.
H.E. Lady De-Ann: Sarah Hajar De Chausay
Trustee/ International Liaison:
As Trustee and International Liaison, Lady De-Ann Sarah Hajar De Chausay serves in an administrative capacity to ensure that we maintain the integrity of First Republic Registrar foundation and our partner relations. As International liaison, the role exists to grow and facilitate effective collaboration between our existing and potential partner men and women, organisations, and governments, working towards the common aims and interests of The Registrar.
See Institutional Certificate here.
See full profile here.
H.E. HRH Lord Rafael: Segador-Castaños
managing Director/ Spain/Spanish Liaison:
Rafael: Segador-Castaños is easy-going, with great inner strength, determination, tenacity, curiosity, likes to learn from everything and everyone. He has a great capacity for integration and creativity to live in coherence with others. Characteristics that have accompanied him to walk this path of sovereignty, to the point of uniting all those key pieces that each living man and woman should use on the way to restore and recover their own birthright. One of his specialties is forensic linguistics, what helped him to figure out the legal language, an indispensable matter to travel this path. As managing Director, he serves as international Liaison for Spanish-Speaking people, both Spain and Latin America, within FRRf. Rafael is part of the primary active Antrustiones developing the most important projects within FRRf’s Sovereign IGO status, Eagle-Eye Ministries, URSN and several projects for Indigenous Peoples and mankind.
See Institutional Certificate here.
See full profile here.