The human condition
What is the human condition? It is simply the distinction between the instinctive-mind and the self-conscious rational-mind. It is the constant battle between these two modalities. The ongoing warfare between that primate-state of peace and tranquillity and the rational-state of confusion and trying to figure things out. It is true, in all our posts by FRRf Antrustiones, we marvel that Sovereignty is a Birthright legacy ordained upon each and every human being at birth. But then something happens. Something that steers us away from that ordained sovereignty into a worldview of restrictions, laws, rules, challenges, sufferings, lack, self-limiting beliefs and so on. The primate-state of ordained-sovereignty of freedom: life-liberty-happiness etc., is suddenly interrupted by a series of wake-up-calls called trauma. We are suddenly awoken to the reality that the world is not as liberated and free-spirited as we felt from birth. All possibilities now become only probabilities, or at best some kind of pipe dream.
So what happened? The simple answer is trauma, followed by some degree of cognitive dissonance, which we know can be healed scientifically and with understanding. What does this mean? We are saying, once the human family comes to the realisation of how the human machine works biologically and energetically, then we can begin the healing process collectively. This can be called actualization of our collective-consciousness.
The biological distinction
Biologically speaking we have two brains, according to new research from Karolinska Institutet and Columbia University. The brain in the head and the mini-brain in the heart. The brain in the heart constitutes the primate-brain whereas the brain in the head constitutes the rational-brain. We know that the rational-brain has two hemispheres. But most of us are not aware of the primate-brain in the heart, let alone the fact that there is only one sphere; not like the rational-brain in the head that has two.
So here is the key distinction. The primate-brain is driven by the heart and therefore the virtues of the heart. To quote WingMakers Philosophy of the Sovereign Integral, there are 6 heart virtues:
- Appreciation
- Humility
- Valor
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Understanding
The rational-brain however, is driven by cognitive reasoning and the ongoing quest to figure things out.
Here is a story to consider: In early humans, we were considered as primates and therefore were driven mostly by instincts of the primate-brain of the heart. We were consistently at peace and operated in love and harmony. Not just with each other, but with all of nature itself. We were at one with all creatures and all plant life. We were at one with the elements also, and most importantly at one with our higher nature (called GOD in pseudo religion today). This level of conscious perceptive awareness is referred to as unity-consciousness, which figures since we were driven mostly by the heart and its single hemispheric brain. Then it appears that one day suddenly someone probed further into the idea of understanding (the 6th virtue) and set out on a quest to seemingly try to figure out what is going on. This quest of wanting to understand is the birth of the human condition. This individual (or few individuals) suddenly wanted to understand why they are the way they are. They knew they were inherently peaceful and at harmony with all of nature. But they did not understand why. WHY, was the big question. This separation of consciousness, by these few individuals, is what you might consider as the birth of the ego. Thus, the human condition and the ego are one and the same.
This separation led to the severing from unity-consciousness toward polarity-consciousness. In other words, those early ego-driven individuals started moving away from the unity-conscious modality of the heart and went more toward the duality-conscious modality of the brain. The duality-consciousness modality of the brain therefore started giving way to the understanding of the polarities of nature. We started seeing things in a duality manner: right/wrong, up/down, left/right, good/bad, god/devil etc. Can you see where this is going?
This sudden shift in consciousness was no doubt driven by some type of trauma which led to cognitive dissonance. These early humans started to become what we term today as selfish. They became self-centred and therefore competitive against each other. We can see how this developed into hierarchy of leadership, ruler-ship, king-ship and so on. Today, we can see this separation has now led to the modern ideas of government, legislations, statutory rulings and the likes… we know the drill.
In biblical vernacular we are taught that Adam and Eve were in a state of peace and balance as of the day they were created. In his quest to find out what is going on, Adam advances to part-take in the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Symbolically of course. But we can see how the narrative is congruent with this conversation. Adam advances from unity-consciousness into duality-consciousness as he somehow gets hold of some information that gave him answers. This process was deemed biblically as the first sign of evil acts; or, acts of disobedience; stepping away from the long-held ways of being and doing things. Looking at it this way, we can see that the act was not necessarily an evil act. It is more of a process of human development. A paradigm shifting of consciousness from the instinctive nature of the heart/soul onto the inquisitive nature of the brain/mind. Yet, a world of confusion ensues as many half-truths are told that set humanity on a journey of separation, illusion and lack.
Healing and Transformation
We propose and suggest now that humanity has reached certain heights of scientific discovery, the human condition (trauma, confusion and delusion etc.) can be healed through understanding. In other words, once we truly understand the real cause of our demise from ordained-sovereignty into a life of trauma, confusion and illusion as to who and what we are by natural-nature, healing can then start to take place, and quickly.
The previous section gave a very-very brief story of how the human condition developed. We can see how this evolution of consciousness story plays out in each and every one of us individually. As infants we experience life in unity. We are one with every person, place and thing in our immediate environment; similar to how we would have been in the womb. We are yet to understand the idea of separation, duality, polarity etc. We have certain already existing instincts such as the need for food and the need for comfort, attention and belonging. Everything is provided for us. Food, clothing, warmth, shelter and so on. In the same way, early humans wanted for nothing. We did not have to farm and grow anything. Nature provided everything for us. We ate and slept as of when we needed to, and everything was provided in abundance. We were literally in unconditional love with all of nature and nature unconditionally took care of us. There was no lack. We did not even understand our own nakedness. We slept on the soft grass as grown for us by nature. We drank water as provided for us by nature. And we ate fruit mostly, as provided naturally by nature. Not to mention the breath of life (spirit).
The innocence of a baby is akin to early human development historically, going back perhaps millions of years. The infant then reaches a point of wanting to know and understand why things are the way they are; just as Adam did in the Garden of Eden. At the same time discovering that they are indeed separate from their surroundings and those persons, places and things within it. The infants (like early humans) now start to figure out their own identity, their own characteristics, personalities and tendencies.
In today’s societies on the commercial side, a birth registration (in the infant’s name) has already taken place. A commercial legal entity (strawman) has already been created by government certification. Legislative and statutory rulings are only applicable to such legal entities; yet, the infant is expected to grow into the idea that somehow these legal rulings directly apply to them. These expectations are indeed by human-design and not by natural-nature. Remember, our natural-nature is inherently sovereign, agreeable, benevolent and balanced. Or at least, supposed to be. Thus, today, part of the healing process is to re-unite the severed bridge between the instinctive-brain of the heart and the rational-brain of the head. To bring into harmony unity-consciousness with polarity-consciousness. To bring into balance heart and brain; or better yet soul and mind. This can very easily be achieved, and quickly, through understanding. Hence this introductory blog post.
In the same way, Sovereignty Certification as authenticated by FRRf’s Proto-Notary, is essential in order to bring balance to the government-issued birth certification. Sovereignty Certification applies to the living boy/girl, man/woman; whereas the birth certification only applies to the commercially created legal-entity (strawman), albeit in their name.
The other part of the healing process is re-discovering our own law, nature and purpose as ordained at birth (and prior). When the individual boy/girl, man/woman comes into their self-realisation… the next step is self-actualisation. Becoming what you and I are ordained to be. Coming into our natural-nature as it were. When this happens, we experience true freedom and everything else falls into place automatically and naturally. Again, all it takes is a little basic understanding of what is going on energetically, organically, physically, economically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc., and we are on our way toward true “sovereignty as a journey of healing and transformation”, as titled.
Cognitive Dissonance at large.
At FRRf we understand that the most difficult part of this transformation process is acknowledging the human condition in the first place. This is where cognitive dissonance kicks in yet again. It is the tension that one feels and experiences emotionally when a new set of ideas enters their consciousness that directly challenges their long-held old beliefs, tendencies and traditions. Yet, it is a necessary part of the process. There is always an experience of cognitive dissonance at the forefront of paradigm shifts that lead to earth-wide healing and transformation.
Humans are currently in danger of an extinction-level-event due to terminal levels of psychosis (sickness of the soul), unless we turn toward understanding.
Here is a simple analogy. Imagine a small child who suddenly becomes aware of their shadow following them as they walk around the yard. The child may become frightened and traumatised by their own shadow. They cannot explain why there is this odd figure following them around. And this may even cause some uncomfortable psychological and psychosis effect. But when the child eventually learns and gains the understanding that the shadow effect is just a reflection of light against their own bodies, they can heal. The understanding itself strips away their fear that something was wrong. The truth shall set you free. The child is now free from the psychotic trauma that was created due to lack of knowledge and understanding. This simple analogy is literally applicable in any given scenario. We just need to get past the initial cognitive dissonance.
In the light of truth, opinions are no longer applicable. Because, people’s opinions are only generated in the absence of knowledge and understanding. With “knowing” comes freedom, sovereignty, empowerment, self-realisation and therefore self-actualisation.
By Nebu Ka Ma’at
World Transformation Movement:
Karolinska Institutet and Columbia University: