First Republic Registrar foundation

Commercial Redemption – fallacy or reality?

The Antrustiones and honorary members of First Republic Registrar foundation (FRRf) are not here to provided legal advice at any level nor in any way, shape or form. We are not legal entities nor are we tied to any specific legal jurisdiction of law. To clarify our slogan: ‘working with and not against’ simply explains that FRRf works peacefully with all good sovereign governments and peoples worldwide. We take the simple stance of working with everyone for progress. Albeit we are all aware of unconscionable financial greed, we are not trying to identify the culprits. Instead, we focus our attention on our inherent birthright to sovereignty and the phenomenal progress that we can collectively achieve.

The aim of this post, and the entire blog in general, is to further emphasise what sovereignty means to us, and to encourage and inspire those on the path of sovereignty toward self-actualisation. That being said… there are some very confronting ‘reality-check’ distinctions that must be made, as follows.

Secured Party/ Creditor does not equal Sovereignty!

At first glance, for a lot of people, the idea of commercial redemption appears to be an appealing course of action. It tends to be very appealing for individuals who are faced with difficult financial situations and are looking for a way out. For instance: traffic tickets, taxation, loans, domestic bills and other very frustrating (and in some cases lifestyle threatening) financial obligations such as evictions and foreclosures. People feel, deep down, that there is something not right with the banking and financial systems that they are working with. But most do not have a broad enough understanding of banking, legal systems and law in order to apply effective remedies. That of course is assuming there are real remedies to the effect of what commercial redemption is assumed to be about!

Commercial redemption is built on a premise that all legislative laws are only pertaining to legal-entities, legal-fictions and legal-persons (corporations etc). Whilst there is a level of truth to this, there is still some level of responsibility on the living man and woman who are considered contributing beneficiaries of said entities. In other words, the people that tend to study and apply commercial redemption doctrines and accounting remedies such as ‘Accepted for Value (A4V),’ ‘Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA)’ and Secured Party/Creditor… are missing one vital important aspect. That is, their Sovereignty. This is not always a very easy distinction to make, yet we must come to terms with the differences.

At law, the general rule is: if a person (aka legal-entity) has consented, by operation of law, to a financial obligation such as a bank loan, then they must also be willing to fulfil the obligation of the loan repayment plan. I.e., if a person (aka legal-fiction) agrees to a loan arrangement, then that person is expected (legally) to fulfil the obligation by re-paying the loan, with legal tender. It is that straight forward. At law, there are no loop-holes that would allow the borrower (aka legal-person) to redeem themselves in any other way other than with legal tender (cash) or money on account.

So, this is where the concept of commercial redemption becomes a conceived form of accounting remedy. It is, however, a fallacy. Why do we say this? For a start, it takes the position of bad-mouthing the financial and banking system. It takes the position of ‘anti-banking,’ ‘anti-government,’ ‘anti-legalese,’ and so forth… all of which are adversarial. These types of stand points are not the ways in which a true sovereign thinks or rationalises mutually benefitting remedies. In other words: Secured Party/ Creditor does not equal Sovereignty! The reality of sovereignty goes much deeper than that; yet, very simple at the same time. A true sovereign does not work against any person, place or thing. A true sovereign does not back down or run away from responsibility of any kind. He or she will always work out a solution to a problem in a most mutually benefitting manner, and therefore no adversarial position is taken. This is the opposite to what commercial redemption strategies convey.

For a start, a true sovereign will always aim to be in alignment with abundance and solvency. In other words, a true sovereign is not in debt to any person, place or thing. Being in debt, defies what sovereignty is. The two paradigms (sovereignty and commercial redemption) are natural opposites and do not work together. They are both arrived at with two opposing mind-set and rationale. A true sovereign is not just endowed with abundances and resources, but he/she is also self-sufficient to the highest possible status within their private jurisdiction. Thusly, administrative doctrines such as ‘Accepted for Value (A4V),’ ‘Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA)’ and Secured Party/Creditor are not of interest to a true sovereign.

Understanding Jurisdictions

A jurisdiction is simply an area or boundary, within which a specific body of law applies. Every country and their corporate government around the world has their own jurisdiction of laws known as legislations, statutes, acts of parliament and so forth.

Whilst we at FRRf mention certain commercial redemptions doctrines by name, within this post, we do not intend to explain them in any detail as these are not our standing. Our standing will always be true sovereignty, and what it takes to be consistent along its path.

The idea of Secured Party/Creditor comes from the understanding that the real living man and woman is the creditor for everything that he or she signs and deposits into the commercial and banking system. The secured party aspect of this understanding comes when the individual records a public notice of their intent to issue a commercial lien against their legal name (aka Strawman) and later establishes a security agreement between their being and their legal name. Thus, making a public declaration that they understand the difference between their being (flesh and blood) and their name (legal-entity, legal-fiction and/or legal-person). This is all well and good. But it does not automatically remove all financial obligations on the part of the legal-entity to which the living man/woman benefits. In this context, two jurisdictions of law are realised but they must not co-mingle. One jurisdiction pertaining to the legal-entity and another pertaining to the real being.

It is no secret, therefore, that whenever there is an obligation on the part of the name (legal-entity) there is simultaneously an expectation that the agent (the real man/woman) will take the position of authorised representative and fulfil the obligation (even though the jurisdictions are distinctly separate and should not be co-mingled). After all, the legal-entity is lifeless and cannot act for itself. So, the real being must assume the position of the legal-entity in order to act on its behalf. This is the general unspoken assumption.

Now. Imagine the reality of doing A4V processes on literally all the bills and financial obligations of your legal-person? Imagine the headache and stress that can incur with these types of processes. For those of you that have done A4V processes, or any other commercial redemption activities, already know exactly what we are saying here. It is literally impossible to keep up. Most people are met with opposition when they try to process an A4V accounting transaction. Ask your self ‘how long can I keep up with this barrage of opposition’? So, something should be telling us instinctively that this is not 100% correct. Yes, the jurisdictions are different. And the laws of the legal-person etc., do not apply to real living man and woman; and the same is true vice versa. The natural laws of the real being does not apply to legal-entities. The harsh reality is this: we do not automatically have the rights of beneficial interests to our name without fulfilling (whether paying or correctly discharging) its debt obligations. This is the fallacy aspect of the subject-matter that we must realise and do away with. One of the negative effects of when we continue to apply commercial redemption processes and hope for the best, is that our legal-entity (strawman name) becomes black-listed. And, more problems occur as a result. For instance, one day you may genuinely decide that you need a business loan (or funding grant) to start something positive for the benefit of humanity… but your previous activities now goes against your name. In other words, a huge imbalance has occurred with the strawman as a result of previous activities. The imbalance is experienced when the relationship between the strawman and the real living being is out of order.

Even if we were to take our cases to the correct courts of equity (and are acting in personam), the question of dealing with legalese and the legal obligations of your ‘name’ (past, present and future) still has to be answered. We will elaborate more as we go along. Stay tuned.

Whilst we understand the difference in jurisdictions and law, there is also natural law to be considered at all times. These laws, commonly called the laws of nature, cannot be escaped. Even the legal world, so to speak, mimics laws of nature.

Natural Law

In a previous post we discussed the four most basic Principles of Nature. These are Growth, Order, Reciprocation and Balance (GORB). When we observe GORB in our day to day activities we are thusly on the path to sovereignty. Observing GORB=Positivity in alignment with absolute nature. Maintaining GORB=Abundance with natural resources, which can equate to food, water, shelter, energy, clothing, currency and so forth. GORB= Freedom= Justice= Equality= Sovereignty. There is very little room for poverty. And therefore, very little consideration is required, if at all, for adversarial positions such as those that come with commercial redemption.

With our alignment with natural law, comes the flowing of natural resources, which includes the flow of currency (money include). The flow of currency into our experience is no different from the flow of water or air. It is a part of life itself, to be endowed with abundance of flow in all aspects. Are you getting the point?


True sovereignty is about self-actualisation, which is the next step from self-realisation. Sovereignty, if we are to look at it as a doctrine of law, can be looked at as law=nature=purpose. Meaning, when a man/woman discovers what their law, nature and purpose is; then they are self-realised. Thus, the next step is to live into that realisation so that he/she becomes actualised. When self-actualised, sovereignty is recognisable from within and indeed from without.

Put another way… realising your sovereignty is like realising your reflection – meaning, the aspect of pure consciousness that you are reflecting whilst embodied on earth. We will call this reflection of the Self. The journey, therefore, is about becoming profoundly aware of the very essence of your being’s law, nature and purpose whilst in physical form. However, the Self can mean many different things to different people depending on their level of consciousness and awareness. They may interpret the aspect of pure consciousness they are reflecting, in different ways. All are correct, by the way. It is a matter of perception. But for the purposes of grasping a basic standing, the Self is the reflection of what your highest level of consciousness (which is pure consciousness), endowed upon you within this life cycle you are experiencing. It is like a question that pure consciousness asked itself about an experience; and in order to get the answer to the question, pure consciousness (source) projected an aspect of its Self into physical form; i.e., the human body that you are housed in as you are reading this. And your human embodiment (vehicle of the soul) grows into form over many years, along that quest; the journey toward answering the question.

For example, pure consciousness may ask itself… what is it like to have the experience of living a human life in poverty and then transform into one that enjoys abundance? What would that experience and ultimate transformation feel like? Of course, pure consciousness does not have a physical organic heart, so it does not know the answer. So, it goes on a quest to find the answer. Therefore, it is the path of the ordained sovereign to firstly become self-realised. In other words, to become aware of the question and the mandate to learn the answer through experience. Then, the process of self-actualisation can begin.

Self-actualisation, therefore, is the process of energising the reflection of pure consciousness, which is the Self. The word ‘actual’ literally means energised-activity, as opposed to the word ‘potential’ which is stagnated-activity.

In the example given above the reader might become self-realised as one that does not want to live in poverty anymore. They have become very frustrated of the mundane 9 to 5 job scenario and are equally sick and tired of having to deal with debt obligations month after month. Thus, in the early part of their self-realisation they got involved in commercial redemption processes as it became appealing to their experience of wanting to feel debt-free, for instance. The self-realised individual goes on a quest to research and study everything they can find about commerce, banking, government, law etc. But, as we have stated, self-realisation is only part of the journey.

Self-actualisation is more. It is not just about submerging one’s self with research, study and becoming an information junkie; it is rather about the individual who travels through the world with the conviction, tenacity and valour of sovereignty while fulfilling their purpose as a reflection of the law, nature and purpose that pure consciousness endowed upon them. And after this life cycle passes away, they return to source; not just with the answers, but also with full recollection and consciousness of who they are. Eternal life, one might say. It seems like a tall order, right? But a most fulfilling journey indeed. Ultimately, we realise also that it is we that asked our Self the question to begin with, and then imprisoned our Self in physical embodiment in order to fulfil the quest for the answer.

So, about the question. What we must ask our selves is: what is it that I came to earth plane to do and achieve? What did I come here to learn? And what did I come here to share with humanity? In other words, how do we arrive at self-realisation? It is all about reflecting into our life’s experiences and recognising the things that we are usually passionate about. What is it that we enjoy doing most, that does not involve money? And what are the things we enjoy doing that inspires and benefits other people? There could be one, two or three things… but one would stand out more profoundly than the others. Once you find what that activity is, then that is your self-realisation. And with that self-realisation comes its own laws, its own innate nature and its own unique purpose; all derived from within. So, to understand the law, nature and purpose of who you are is about self-reflection and introspection; hence, sovereignty. Sovereignty is about self-governance from within, barring any or very little influence from outsides agents (neither people, nor organisations nor any country’s corporate laws).

To go a bit further, self-realisation and self-actualisation is to go beyond that which we see in our environment as being governing over us. It is about going beyond our relationships with persons, societal conditioning and government rule. It is also about going beyond ritualistic activities that may be rooted in some cultural narrative or traditions. And it is about going beyond the archetypal deities of our mythology or folklore and reconnecting right back to our soul, which is the eternal essence of who we are. That way, we become aligned with what our law, nature and purpose is. We align with our unique sets of tools, so to speak. And everything that we are supposed to have to aid us along this journey flows to us automatically and naturally as a form of currency. The tools to empower us with our birthright to life, liberty and happiness is included within the flow of currency. With self-actualisation, we must make a revolutionary choice. And this is the difficult part of the challenges we face. Once that revolutionary choice is made, it means we have gone beyond the point of no return. We are now on the path of ascension; an upward journey of recline toward source, consciously. This is where true sovereignty is reflected from, and certainly not the illusion of commercial redemption strategies.

Sovereignty in Action

Now that we have made clear distinctions between true sovereignty and secured party/ creditor positions… what exactly does sovereignty in action look like? How are we the people supposed to experience sovereignty on a day to day basis? Better yet, how do we deal with the financial obligations and constraints that tend to be affecting and disrupting our would-be sovereignty and birthright lifestyle? After all, this is what this post is all about; to look at the alternatives, away from the fallacy of commercial redemption. We can look at this from two perspectives. From bottom-up (the legalese perspective) and from top-down (the birthright, or self-reflection perspective).

With the legalese perspective (i.e., from bottom-up), let us consider the provisions of the Uniform Commercial code (UCc). UCc, to a sovereign, is interpreted as private international common law. UCc is considered an interface between the sovereign jurisdiction and any other concurrent legal jurisdiction. Refer to the section above regarding understanding jurisdictions, if clarity is needed. In fact, this entire blog is to be considered an ongoing study. With the UCc being used as an interface, there are only two citing that sovereigns need to comprehend and apply (if at all) at this time: UCc 1-308 (pertaining to reservation of birthright) and UCc 3-503 (pertaining to notice of dishonour). These two points of private law is a sovereign’s way of saying: (1) i hereby reserve my birthright of performance on an obligation and can halt or pause any specific performance should there be, at a future time, some non-disclosed items that becomes apparent or where the other party(s) to the obligation starts to act unconscionably against my life, liberty and happiness. (2) in the event that any non-disclosed items become evident, or unconscionable conduct becomes apparent, then the obligation (contract) is dishonoured and terminated.

These positions (UCc 1-308 and UCc 3-503) are what the alternative to an A4V (accepted for value) process might be, as a sovereign. However, and this is a big HOWEVER! On the legal side of things, the effect is more or les the same. It will most likely (but not always) be taken from a legal standpoint that “this person is avoiding paying their debt.” Do you see the point? There are no real remedies at law. In fact, the general process of interacting with commerce as a debtor is traumatic to the soul (another definition for sovereign being ‘soul reigning in the body’). Even when the individual goes into the anti-commerce mode of commercial redemption and attempts to discharge or set-off their debt obligations, is a form of traumatising the soul out of its quest toward self-actualisation. It is a fallacy and is delusional to say the least.

We emphasise the phrase law=nature=purpose to be equal to sovereignty. Added to the phrase is ‘economy;’ law=nature=purpose=economy. We have been duped, commercial speaking, into the idea of money. And we are not properly schooled, nor educated for that matter, of the reality and relationship between true sovereignty and economy. The much better fulfilling standpoint as a true sovereign is to seek self-realisation then work toward self-actualisation. On such a journey: abundance, property, valuable assets, money etc., comes our way by natural process. In other words, our personal economy flourishes and thrives. This includes the fulfilment of our birthright to life, liberty and happiness. It all comes automatically and naturally once we realise our individuated law, nature and purpose (the question and the quest for the answer).

Therefore, when we observe the birthright perspective (i.e. from top-down) the results are very different. The sovereign man/woman is naturally endowed with abundance on every hierarchy level of sovereignty. Thus, paying off their obligations monetarily is no longer an issue. In fact, it becomes a walk in the park.

Sovereignty Certification is also a very powerful statement. When an individual man/woman becomes Sovereign Certified, the effects are not just material. This process is echoed throughout the hierarchy of sovereignty; from the material level all the way up through the mental, spiritual and universal levels. So, do not take Sovereignty Certification for granted! On the material level, we may choose to notify our heads of state by public notice of our enactment of sovereignty. This paper document contract (certificate), which includes your blue-ink signature and a red-inked thump-print is a very powerful statement. In the legal world your signature is literally an equitable-asset. Whatever you sign is taken as valuable and can be ‘accepted for value’ and negotiated monetarily. But in the case of the Sovereignty Certificate, added to that equitable-signature is your thumb-print which is your iron clad authorization. Since we sign and thumb-print the Sovereignty Certificate, which shows very specific mental, spiritual and universal intent, all levels of assistance come to our aid. On the mental level some people have a standing of the doctrine of ‘law of attraction.’ On the spiritual level some people have a standing of spiritual forces (conscious entities aka spiritual guides) that aid us. And on the universal level some people have a standing of source energy (creative energy).

What we are emphasizing is, do not take Sovereignty Certification for granted! It is far more powerful if we would realise it. This is part of your self-realisation toward self-actualisation. Check? Another level upward from becoming Sovereign Certified, is establishing a common Law Pure Trust (cLPT).

See Equitable Maxims of Sovereignty here, and Equitable Sovereignty here.

To conclude: Sovereignty is a journey along a process of self-actualisation, which is also about being self-determining, self-governing, self-defining, self-guiding and self-fulfilling within the precepts and parameters of your own life’s law, nature and purpose.

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